Monday, August 28, 2006

The 2 x 4 list

With many many thanks to DJ Dent and his People who should be Punched in the Face list and David Hively and his People who should get Rabies list and any other brilliant people I might be borrowing this idea from, I begin my own People who need to be hit upside the head with a 2x4 list

My first resident on this list: The person who built my laptop. As of tommorrow Tues, 08/29/06, my dell laptop will be making its third trip back to Dell for repair and/or waiting for parts to be sent. Now this might not be that big of a deal...and the second time when the LCD had to be replaced I accept responsibilty for but this computer is less than a YEAR old...I had to replace my hard drive in April and now its being sent back because this past Saturday, the display went on the fritz...I could use the keyboard, and hear sound and see that the hard drive was working... I could even IM(just as David) but i couldn't see the screen cause nothing would appear....Sigh and since then it has been working relatively fine....i guess I just need to be nicer to the computer gods...or send a 2x4 to dell...hmmm



WholesomeGoodness said...

I had a revelation, resulting from my pockets hurting from my last laptop. I would take this opportunity to check in to see if you can extend your warranty. It might be like 30 bucks for a year, but would be an awful lot better than shelling out $600 when your motherboard burns out.

Kate Davidson said...

I concur with DJ... doing the warranty thing is probably an excellent idea. My laptop is under warranty for at least the next three years and they'll replace it even if I spill soda on it or drop it (oops). It's been especially nice because I've gone through two and am on the third power cord/brick.

shamrock_isle said...

no worries my friends... I extended my warrenty after the LCD incident...I'm good for the next 2 years