Friday, December 09, 2011

i hate it when my atheist friends are better Christians than I am

It has been eons since I posted here...I should try to get back in the practice of doing so...

So I have been contemplating my public face the past couple of days after a discussion with a good friend of mine who identifies as an atheist....

I had posted (on facebook)a link to a blog from a bishop who talked about insiders and outsiders in the church and why mainline denominations were losing people. My friend raised many good points including the fact that mainline denoms. are losing people because the crazies like Westboro Baptist or Jack Van Impe are those that Christianity is identified with.  I would have  serious doubts about being a Christian too, if that is what I thought Christians were.  I mean Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer can often make me cringe, but at least they can say a lot of things I find value in if I look hard enough, in the midst of their prosperity gospel shtick

I do agree with that for the most part, but I am unsure how to get the word out that many Christians are not not protesting military funerals,and are not trying to ban inner racial marriages or asking a gay teen to step down from a leadership role because he happened to be gay.

my ponderings for the day