Tuesday, October 03, 2017


Dear people of the world, please stop with the name calling and the veiled innuendos or frankly overt meanness... Being a Liberal or Conservative isn't inherently bad, nor does it make the person of either label stupid or smart. For many, in my humble opinion, it means clinging to an ideology you don't fully understand, but one that helps you be very quick to judge the person with the "opposite" label. We have far too many problems in the country and the world for this labeling and name calling to continue. It either feeds into the mob mentality or automatically puts people on the defensive.

Are guns an issue? Whether you want more gun control or not, people dying is an issue...I think we can all agree we'd like less of that...seems to me there should be a way to help that happen...seems to me most people think back ground checks are a good thing...even at gun shows and for private sales...will closing loopholes prevent attacks like Las Vegas? maybe. Do we need better mental health care in this country? You bet! Do we need to take away guns from responsible gun owners? No. I don't know what the answer is, or even where to begin, but in doing nothing, more people are dying.
Kneeling during the National Anthem...Here again, whether you support the athletes kneeling or not, we need to recognize that those athletes kneeling are doing so as a sign of protest, as a sign of frustration, and a sign of distress.  No athlete I know would ever kneel during the anthem, because they felt like it on a whim.  I kneel a lot given my job in all kinds of situations and never once have I been told the action is disrespectful.  It's not like the athletes are turning their back to the flag, or have anything but respect for our military.  But clearly something is wrong with systems in the country if athletes are willing to make that bold of a statement.  And before getting all hot and bothered about how disrespectful it is to our military or our veterans or our county...have you noticed the state of veterans affairs lately?  Have you asked a vet how long it takes to get seen at the VA?  Have you wondered out loud about what kind of pay they are getting?  Most of the answers to those questions are downright shameful, and are not in any way part of the thanks of a grateful nation.  If you want to get all hot and bothered about something, get all hot and bothered about that.
Healthcare.  Really?  Really?  Hello Congress, until you all have to deal with the same health plan I do, I don't want to hear a word...not one peep.  Y'all don't live in the real world.  Y'all talk a big talk about how terrible health care and health insurance is in the country, but you don't have to worry one bit about it.  Your health care costs are covered from now until death.  Do things need tweaking?  Sure, but not in any way I have seen any of you attempt it so far. Stop saying what you think we want to hear to get you reelected and actually do some work for the people you serve. 

Am I frustrated?  Can you not tell?  People in Flint still don't have clean water, we can send people to the moon but we can't get needed supplies to a devastated island, we are antagonizing North Korea, the Klan and their ilk are alive and well and the president needs to be banned from twitter.  Nothing to be frustrated about there...  Seriously, we can't keep doing this!  Just stop it already...

And in the morning light...go call your congress people, donate blood, volunteer in a school, tell someone that needs to hear it that you value them as a person just the way they are, give money to a reputable organization.  Keep being frustrated. Make better choices.  Give someone a hug(after asking their permission).  Keep Crying in the wilderness.  Have a civil and frank discussion with someone in the "other" category.  Try to see where they might be coming from. Resist.  Persist.  Know that you are not alone.  Sigh, and then sigh again.  Keep on keeping on.  

Until the next time I get so frustrated I have to get this all out, and don't dare to post it on facebook,

Friday, March 03, 2017

Resetting once again

Don't die of shock...this is likely the first post in 3-4 years.  One of my New Year's resolutions was to write more, so as of March 3, here we go.

It's Lent, which for me always leads to introspection...about lots of things in the world, and lots of things in my life.

A reset button on life sometimes sure would be nice.  Don't get me wrong, my life is full of a great many things, but sometimes it seems that if I had done x,y,z differently my life might be better.  (It also could be worse I know). 

So in the spirit of being more consistent in posting on this blog, and working on resetting things I actually have a wee bit of control over here is what I am working on this month...

1.  Reading more for fun, and more for work...
  • For fun, I am currently reading a book on the Tudor monarchies.   It's amazing how much backstabbing and such goes on behind the scenes and how much monarchs relied on fear.  I am in the middle of Henry VIII's reign at the moment.  It will be interesting to see how things change with Mary and Elizabeth, if they do.
  •  For work, our Bible Study/Adult Ed class is reading When God Speaks through you: How faith convictions shape preaching and mission by Bishop Craig A. Satterlee.  It's been a very interesting experience talking about preaching as the preacher with a good group of the hearers of my preaching.  It's somewhat of a given that what preachers say is often not what is heard, but it's also very interesting what insights people are willing to share.  It's been an informative class so far
2.  Moving more, and eating less...
  • Now we all know most of us could work on their health and I am no exception.  I was gifted a fitbit at the beginning of the year, and I think it's made a difference, or at least starting to.  I am much more aware of how little I move some days, especially my days off, and am trying to do something about that.  I think food will always be a challenge, since I really like to eat, but again hopefully I am becoming more aware of things, and will make some healthier choices.  No you won't see me start to eat salads as lettuce is still one of the banes of my existence, but more veggies, fruit, whole grains, etc.
  • A request:  Please for the love of all things, unless I talk to you specifically about what I am doing and what I am working on regarding my health, DON'T BRING IT UP!!!  The last thing I want or need is people policing my meals, walks, workouts, etc unless I have asked them to.  Don't make what you think will be helpful suggestions, unless I ask!  Don't tell me it looks like I have lost weight!  If I want to talk about it, I will seek you out.  I am not trying to be mean, but I am also trying to limit unintentional sabotage.  My relationship with my body and food in general is complicated enough as it is.  Yes I know I am posting this on a blog for the world to see, but part of that is thinking and processing "out loud" which is very helpful to me at the moment.  
3.  Being politically aware and active in a crazy world without losing my sanity.
  • I find myself in an odd position these days...As a pastor, I cannot and will not endorse  any political candidate from any party while in the pulpit, because to do so would threaten the church's tax exempt status.  But as a pastor I am also part of the community in which I serve and the world at large.  My undergrad degree is in International Relations with a focus on Health, and I cannot separate out that part of me anymore than I can separate out the pastor part of me.  I consider myself fairly politically astute.  I struggle with honoring the idea that I am pastor to a congregation of all political leanings, and a long and sorted history of Lutherans being silent when they should have been shouting from the rooftops.  I detest the polarization and immutable dichotomies we seem to have in this country with no one looking for a true middle ground, but instead more things to prove their point.  I wish elections were truly about the good of all, instead of who has the most money or the loudest voice or the most influential friends.  I wish people would remember things like it is possible to be a fiscal conservative and a social democrat(or whatever seemingly at odds labels you can think of) at the same time and it can be a very good thing instead of all or nothing of whatever label we seem to cling to.  
  • I want and need to support my friends, all of them, but especially the ones who identify in a minority community... especially the ones who are feeling persecuted, who fear for their lives and safely, the ones who feel society has turned their back on.  I love my friends for exactly who they are no matter what their demographics.  I have been watching the powerful series "When We Rise" on ABC this week.  I find myself teary most nights for so many people who are a part of the LBGTQAI community who have senselessly died or have been brutally assaulted or have to constantly struggle for the same right and privileges I am accorded as a straight woman.  I live a life of privilege compared to most...and it's a privilege to even say I am struggling with this instead of living it.    
4.  Music is a great balm for my soul these days.
  •  It might be 15 minutes or more of time spent at church playing the piano when no one else is around.  
  • I often find myself singing in the sanctuary when I am the only one in the building because of the great acoustics. 
  • I find myself listening to either mostly classical music or 80s/90s country these days...which brings me back to my youth, my parents, the farm and the like...classical because it allows me think, and 80s/90s country cause the words almost overflow out of my memory.
  • No discussion of music would be complete with out mentioning Pentatonix... a 5 member acapella band that is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING...go listen/watch here:   Pentatonix on Youtube
  • Or check out Mario Jose here:  Mario Jose
  • Or Us the Duo who opened for Pentatonix on their North American Tour  Us the Duo 
Wow, that's a lot...a good start I'd say...hoping to keep this kind of thing up weekly, but monthly for sure.

Catch you on the flip side,

Monday, September 09, 2013

Stream of consciousness ponderings

Trying to get this going again....yes I know I have said that before...we'll see how long this lasts....

Ponderings of the day

1.  the last of New Life's youth heads to college today...Here's hoping for a year full of fun, challenge and growth for all of them

2.  Trying to schedule vacation is always a challenge, in part because it's hard to find coverage,  in part because I have a hard time saying no, and in part because going on vacation costs money I don't have.  All that being said, vacation 1 of my remaining 2 is scheduled for the end of the month...a little work/continuing ed to start off with in Columbus, a little actual vacation in Lansing and then perhaps a little staycation back at home.

3.  I think I overdosed on football a little this weekend....5 games between Saturday and Sunday...and of course there's more tonight.  Some teams I liked won, others lost.  Either way it's good to have football back

4.  It's supposed to be 91 degrees tomorrow....in September, in Northern Michigan.  YUCK!!!  

5.  Gonna try and start working though my pile of 15 some odd books in my read pile....as well as others on my kindle...Mondays seem to be a good day to tackle that given I usually work from home

well that's a good start....perhaps I will attempt to do a weekly pondering list and go from there...

Later gaters!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

ponderings o the evening

Lots of ponderings running through my head this night.... from the up close and personal to the worldly and somewhat removed

Wondering what will happen with/to the member who has more test at the hospital...

Wondering what the future hold for another 17 year old member whose whole life has potentially been changed after surgery...

Wondering when the politicians will stop blaming each other, and actually work for a solution for the problems of this county...

Wondering why on earth there are still starving children in this world

Wondering how to better treat my body as the temple of the Lord's it is

Wondering why we can't all just agree to disagree instead of being mean to each other

I could go on but you get the point...most of those things above I will have to keep pondering...

Friday, December 09, 2011

i hate it when my atheist friends are better Christians than I am

It has been eons since I posted here...I should try to get back in the practice of doing so...

So I have been contemplating my public face the past couple of days after a discussion with a good friend of mine who identifies as an atheist....

I had posted (on facebook)a link to a blog from a bishop who talked about insiders and outsiders in the church and why mainline denominations were losing people. My friend raised many good points including the fact that mainline denoms. are losing people because the crazies like Westboro Baptist or Jack Van Impe are those that Christianity is identified with.  I would have  serious doubts about being a Christian too, if that is what I thought Christians were.  I mean Joel Osteen and Joyce Meyer can often make me cringe, but at least they can say a lot of things I find value in if I look hard enough, in the midst of their prosperity gospel shtick

I do agree with that for the most part, but I am unsure how to get the word out that many Christians are not not protesting military funerals,and are not trying to ban inner racial marriages or asking a gay teen to step down from a leadership role because he happened to be gay.

my ponderings for the day

Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Life Lutheran Church of Alcona County in Spruce, MI.

Settling in and enjoying my call to New Life. My first Sunday was canceled do to a snowstorm, I have already had a funeral and I have a wedding scheduled already. Jumping in with both feet once again.

I finally got real furniture that didn't come from my parents. I guess I have to admit to being an adult. I will post pictures of my ordination when and if I ever get any. Hope all is well with all of you

Saturday, January 24, 2009


A quick update! I have a call!!!! I have been called to New Life Lutheran Church in Spruce, MI!!! Ordination is Feb 15 at 4 pm in East Lansing. I would love to see you there!